Saturday, October 8, 2011


"Diamond Candles was nominated for the Spike Awards for social product innovation, help them win the People's Choice Award by Voting here: and then check out their contest to spread the word to help get more votes where you can win some of their candles here: "

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Birthday Surprise!

This guy I have been dating for a little while now, Zack, invited me over yesterday. I didn't think much of it cause this is a regular occurrence. WELL, his entire family threw me a Surprise Birthday Party

They went all out too! They had this huge set up of make your own sandwiches, got me a birthday cake (they even put candles on it and sang to me!), we played games, watched movies, and ALL OF THEM got me presents! Me and Z aren't even "official" yet either, I mean we have been dating awhile but we aren't officially bf/gf yet.
But his family was sooo super sweet! Made me feel super special, and has me thinking we are more serious (which is definitely a good thing!).

OH, and the best part of all, Zack got me a JUICY COUTURE purse He nailed what I like too, it's perfect! So brownie points to him for good taste! This was by far one of the best birthdays I have ever had. NO ONE has ever given me a surprise party before, so it made me feel super special

the purse he got me <3 Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Best Surprise Ever At Work

I GOT THE BEST SURPRISE EVER LAST NIGHT! Zack called me on his way back from dinner last night and we were chatting while I was at work. I told him to hold a second cause someone was at the front desk...that someone was HIM!! He stopped by and surprised me at work, TOTALLY MADE MY DAY!!! He stayed with me for a couple hours and we even got to watch a show (we were super slow at work)

I cannot tell ya'll how excited I was that he did that!!! We weren't supposed to see each other all weekend cause he was going outta town so it would have been over a week since we had seen each other, BUT HE SURPRISED ME!!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Looking for Something Different

I have decided that this is the time in my life for great changes.

I recently started "seeing" someone, and he is kinda great. We have a lot of the same interests, personality traits, and we click really well. I'm not sure how to deal with this whole "dating" thing though. I have never really done it before, and I worry about screwing things up a lot. I am trying to let things happen organically but it is hard because I get those urges to call or text or what have you constantly but know I should just let it be sometimes because it is so new. Hopefully it progresses into something more, I can definitely see it as something that could be really special.

Otherwise not much else going on, just looking for a new job because the one I have now is miserable. I have been working the front desk at a hotel and have decided this is not for me in any way. I am working hard to find a new job and ASAP before I go psycho at my current job. I guess working with the public on this level just isn't my forte (haha). I had a couple interviews last week and I am just waiting to hear back, they said it could be at least a week before I heard anything so fingers crossed. HOPEFULLY by mid September I will have a new job that I love!

I will keep this updated if I get any word about said jobs, or if something extraordinary happens with this new feller. =)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Finally Back To Normal

Nick is finally getting back to normal!! Not that he changed completely but he had definitely been more cranky and anxious than usual. But I'm just going to assume that this is just part of the deployment process. I'm just glad to have my loving/funny/sweet Nick back!!! He has been so loving and sweet and I am just so anxious to see him now I can hardly contain it, and he is the same way, NOT TOO MUCH LONGER!

He is going back home to see his family soon and I am soo happy for him! He cannot wait, AND I KNOW they are more than excited to see him! We both decided it was best for him to go solo this time, because he hasn't seen his family in about a year, and nearly two years or more without someone tagging along! Not that I don't love his family, or that he doesn't love having me around, but he wanted to be able to spend alone time with them which honestly I don't fault him for cause if I was in his position I would probably want the same thing. But not long after he gets back I will be visiting him in HAWAII!!!!!!

I'm sooo ready for my trip, and I can't wait to start doing interviews to get a job out there soon. My plan is to get a job and move out to Hawaii HOPEFULLY before the end of the year. I'm trying to get into the hotel/resort industry, so we shall see where that takes me. I am just so ready to be with him everyday again, we had the best relationship ever when we say each other everyday. Not that it isn't good now, but distance is hard on us, and us being together is sooo much better. SO hopefully I will be out there soon!!! FINGERS CROSSED! Hawaii here I come whether you are ready or not!

Missing and Loving My Sailor More Everyday

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I know when they get back from deployment it is difficult for them to balance everything going on. They have to get back to a normal sleep schedule, they are trying to communicate more with everyone, and they want their social life back. HOWEVER I must say that the re-integrations thing is a GIANT pain in the ass. (pardon my french)

Nick has been so good about contacting me. He has already had to go back to work, he actually had to like a day after arriving home which I thought was kinda early but whatever. But, I am kinda getting spoiled and when he says he will call he doesn't always call (because he has been working/sleeping/or once out with friends). I don't like not hearing from him when I get a text saying something like "I will call u when I wake up" but then don't hear from him. I KNOW it's petty because he has been working ridiculous hours and he is having trouble readjusting but it is still driving me up a wall.

I start to panic too when I don't hear from him when I "think" I should have. I get all these ridiculous thoughts in my head or think the absolute worst ( have even gone as far thinking that he doesn't want to be with me). I am being absolutely absurd. But I do have to point out that my ex had broken up with me THE WEEK he got back from deployment so I think that has put be extra on edge so it has me comparing EVERYTHING which I KNOW I shouldn't do.

He hasn't gone an ENTIRE DAY without talking/texting me but I still freak out or get upset when it has been several hours with no word. I probably sound like a crazy person by now, but I know he loves me (he tells me all the time. Just yesterday he thanked me for being so understanding about everything going on. I think just this distance is really starting to get to me, and I really miss him. I need to learn how to deal with the fact that I can't always hear from him like I want especially when we have a 5 hour time difference. BAH when can I just move to Hawaii and all this madness be over with?

Missing and Loving My Sailor More Everyday

Monday, May 16, 2011


FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY! I finally got a for sure coming home date. I have been wanting to make this post for weeks now, but the date has been changing on like a daily basis and now we finally know FOR SURE that he is coming home!!! I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED I CANNOT WAIT! I have been suffering through this entire deployment and it is now finally coming to a close. I never thought I was going to make it, from Bahrain to Japan (and all of the events that have happened in both places this past year) I don't think I could have handled much more. BUT IT'S FINALLY COMING TO A CLOSE WOOHOO

Although he is coming home I won't get to see him til about the end of June or early July. He is going to be visit with family shortly. And I honestly am not really wanting to go, crazy as it sounds, but I don't want to share my time with him I would rather have undivided attention then to have to share. So shortly after his trip I will be going to visit him in HAWAII (aloha) which come on who can say that is not the better end of the deal?

BUT AGAIN I CANNOT WAIT! No more poor communication, no more worrying about where he is or his safety, no more wondering when he is ever coming home, because that day is about to arrive! I COULD NOT BE MORE EXCITED!! I cannot believe I made it.

Missing and Loving my Sailor More Everyday!!!!!!